Tuesday, February 20, 2007


A week ago I had a series of x-rays called a skeletal survey, looking for holes in the bones that can be caused by myeloma. Today my primary doctor called (never a really good sign) and told me that the radiologist used words like "subtle lesions in the calvarium." Slight holes in the top of my head.

There were other words too, like "very borderline finding." The lesions are only visible in the side view; might be myeloma, or maybe I'm just soft in the head. :-) I'll post more when I have a copy of the actual radiology report in hand.

I'm lucky, of course, to know this now. Most myeloma patients find out about soft bones only when one breaks on them. There are things I can do to prepare, including more-aggressive treatment of the myeloma itself. For sure we'll do the skeletal survey a little more often now; the last one was three and a half years ago.

An especially happy note: NO NEUROPATHY during Sunday's Austin marathon, or since. Back on thalidomide now, fingers crossed.

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