Wednesday, August 23, 2006

2006 Aug 23, 6:00 pm run, 73 deg

Woodbury Runners 5.8 mi in 44:15, pace 7:38. Wow. I'm surprised at this pace, sure didn't intend (or need) to run so fast. I started out setting the pace for the group, along with my friend JG, and I thought the pace was fairly modest. SP later told me that his GPS indicated a starting pace of 7:30. It did feel fast to me later, as we ran up hills, but this was a strong run for me, perhaps the fastest I've ever run this route, and pretty much unintentional. It felt good, and I hope it portends a good run in Rochester. I did have a Clif bar with caffeine 2.5 hours before the run. No pains of any kind. Good stretches afterward, and another Clif bar.

I'm wondering about the Minnesota Grand Prix. Even if I am lucky enough to win my age group, is that modest accomplishment worth the time, effort, and stomach acid? I feel nervous for days before a GP race, and I feel down when I don't perform well. Do the "up" feelings from a good run compensate for that? In the full spectrum of human accomplishments, how important is it to earn an age-group Grand Prix award at the MDRA annual meeting? It sure isn't the Olympics. I've heard that my friend and competitor LS was green after the Hennepin Lake race, and I know that he virtually collapsed. Is it even possible for me to give that much, and do I want to? I almost hope he wins; he seems to need it worse than I do. Almost. All that said, however, I've done my best for nine races now, and I'll do my best for three more. Let the chips fall where they will.

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