Wild Alaskan Sockeye salmon, cheese, organic broccolini, organic beets. |
Monday I felt strong right from the start of the run, and today was the opposite. For whatever reasons, my legs felt heavy today and I had trouble running continuously, without walking, which I had intended to do because the run was short, just three miles or so. After six minutes of running, however, I went into my marathon pace, running just half of each minute. I ran (and walked) for 34:30, and I’m sure I was doing at least 11 minutes per mile, so I certainly ran at least three miles. It’ll do for today. Another day will be better.
Whining: Nothing hurt.
I've been following your blog for awhile now and I'm also a runner (for about a year now). I'm wondering what your pace goals are now that you've healed from your surgery. Are you shooting for 9 min miles continuous or with the every half min of walking mix? Or is it just play it by ear?
I've not yet done a marathon yet myself. Looking to do a half in October and right now I'm looking at a 9 min pace (maybe a smidgeon faster), continuous.
Hi Bert,
Thanks for asking - makes me think about it. Most of all I'd like to qualify for Boston again (not actually run Boston). This requires a finish below 4:25:59 I believe. Right now I'm about an hour over that, so it may be only a dream, but when I was 65 (now 71) I ran a marathon in 3:36, so maybe ...
Wow, that seems like a great pace when you were 65, somewhere around 8:15 if I did the math right. Even now you're faster than many people I knew in my runner's club who were far younger.
It's fun to follow someone else's progress on here. I got pulled in due to your cancer story but now I'm just kind of interested to hear how your runs are going and the day-to-day stuff. Best of luck with your WV marathon.
Thanks very much Bert.
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