Friday, August 02, 2013

Nine More Miles

Friday, August 2, 2013:

Don't you love fresh-fruit season?
There is oatmeal under there.
Five more miles on the park's paved trails, with a 30/20 run/walk ratio.  The sprained left foot felt pretty good, the original pain gone, but there was a little pain that I interpret as arthritis.  It seemed less localized than the original sprain, and appeared even when running straight and flat.  It went away pretty quickly, however.  I think it will disappear in time.

A little over 29 miles this week.  Plenty.

Laps: 27:39, 26:36, total 54:14, distance 5.02 mi, pace 10:48.

Thursday, August 1:

Ran/walked 20/20 most of the time, 30/20 some.  No pains while running, although I do feel some ache in the sprained left foot at other times.  This does not feel bad - just healing.  3.9 miles in 44:41, pace 11:28, exactly the 5:00-hour marathon pace.  106 miles last month - it was a 31-day month!

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