Sunday, September 21, 2008

Six days off!

Saturday, Sep 20:

For various reasons I didn’t run for six days, and I needed a long run to prepare for TCM after the Lewis & Clark Marathon was shortened to ten miles. So I ran to the SCV Runners, ran with (behind) them, and then went to a local 5k race. Total miles 18, time unknown, though I did run nine-minute miles in the 5k.

Slight problem: Fairly serious pain on the very outside of the right knee, appearing about halfway in the 19 miles and continuing to the end. In fact, that pain is still there Sunday, the next day, even a little worse. Furtunately, though, the pain is not caused by putting weight on the knee but by motion of the knee.

My diagnosis: Illiotibial Band (ITB) Syndrome. I have been neglecting my stretches, so this is what I get. Prescription: Do the damn stretches, you moron! I have a short run scheduled for tomorrow, but I will cancel it if the knee still hurts. Must let the inflammation subside.

Lunch: Organic chicken, organic mustard, organic plum, organic chard with dried cranberries.


Rachel said...

Oh man...bummer to hear about your knee! I've been quite frustrated with mine lately. Do those stretches and hope it heals soon!

Anonymous said...

I had IT band problems after many marathons in the past. I tried stretching, etc., but my cure was doing Nautilus leg weights. Doing those really did work - never had IT band again. However, when I did have it, I cured it with rest and had physical therapy where they used a battery powered electronic device to inject some medication into the area. NOTE: Since you inspired me back to running 3 weeks ago, I did a 10 mile "hilly" run yesterday (1:40) and had no problems. I do have to comment that many of the "pains" I had in previous years are gone. I suspect I may have had the myeloma affecting me in previous years, but not enough to put me in the hospital like it did this past June when it really attacked me and I couldn't even get out of bed and walk for 2 weeks. Well, it's one day at a time now, side effects of Revlimid and Dextomethosone have significantly diminished - have signed up for a 1/2 marathon Oct. 26. Goal is
2:05 (9:30 pace).

Don said...

Hi Tony,

Well good for you! Ten miles pain-free is wonderful. And thanks for the advice - I'll remember it. The stretching worked once before when I had the same problem with the other knee, so I'll try it first.

And good luck with that half marathon! Easy does it. May your myeloma go down and down.

Take care, Don