I have been keeping my log, but delinquent in posting the runs. Here are a bunch, in reverse order. Read at your own risk (of falling asleep):
Wednesday, April 10, 2013:
Four miles in the Maplewood Community Center. The Woodbury YMCA is a little closer, but we've gone clockwise on the track several times in a row now, and would have again, as they change direction every day and our last run was two days ago. Maplewood is exactly out of sync, however, so we went there to run the other way.
Four miles in 38:58, doing my usual run/walk, average pace 9:45. Splits 10:08, 9:50, 9:45, 9:16. Sped up at the end, no problems. I need some longer runs now.
Monday, April 8:
Four miles in the Woodbury YMCA again, 37:40, pace 9:25. No problems. Splits: 9:37, 18:48 (2 mi), 9:15.
Sunday, Apr 7:
About three miles on the park’s paved trails, 30 minutes. It won’t be long now until we can run on more of the paved trails, the ones that were not plowed. No problems.
Saturday, Apr 6:
Four miles in the Woodbury YMCA, in 37:02, pace 9:16. No trace of the foot problem from last Thursday. That’s good. I ran pretty well today. Splits: 9:40, 9:12, 9:09, 9:01.
Thursday, Apr 4:
Unfortunately, this is still the
scene from our front window.
Ouch my foot hurts. We ran in the park again today, on the one paved trail that’s free of snow. My right foot started to hurt at about one mile, on the bottom, on the medial side of the arch, about midway between the heel and the ball of the foot. The pain was maybe a four of 10, more uphill and less or none downhill. After 2 ½ miles it went away entirely. I ran about four miles in 40 minutes.
However, the pain reappeared at home that night and again the next day in the house. I didn’t run that day.
Tuesday, Apr 2:
Today we ran indoors in the Woodbury YMCA, one of the places that accepts our Silver Sneakers membership. Four miles, no pains or trouble. I had a cramp last night in bed, so I made sure to stretch properly after this run. I should always do that, but all too often I skip it.
Splits: 9:42, 9:31, 9:39, 9:26, total 38:18, pace 9:35.
Saturday, March 30, 2013:
Another run in the park, with temperatures in the low 50's. I felt fatigued in the afternoon, but the girls suggested a run in the park and we went. Once there, I felt pretty good and ran about 3.7 miles in 37 minutes. No pains.
Later that day, though, the cold that had started on March 22 was moving down into my chest, and got much worse the next day, Easter Sunday. Too much running outdoors? I doubt it, but that’s what others might say.
Friday, Mar 29:
Our First Run in the Park for 2013. The trails aren't clear of snow yet, by any means, but a few paved trails were apparently plowed all winter and those are perfectly clear of snow and ice, though a bit wet in a few places. Temperature was 50 degrees, sun was shining, we had a beautiful run OUTDOORS.
I ran about five miles in 51 minutes, no pains or problems. It sure did feel good to be outdoors in Minnesota. I can’t wait until the grass trails are clear and dry.
Thursday, Mar 28:
Stretching pays off. I did my stretches after Tuesday’s run, and there were no cramps that night or the next, or in today’s run. Five miles in about 49 minutes - I didn't bring my watch so the time is approximate. No pains, no problems. In fact I felt very good doing this run.
Tuesday, Mar 26:
I had cramps in my calves Monday night, and had to get up several times to stretch them out. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to run at all today, but went to the Woodbury YMCA track with the idea that I would stop if my calves felt injured. However, the opposite came true - my legs felt fine and I had by far the best little run since the Virginia Beach Marathon. Four miles in 39:00, not very fast but it felt great. I’m back.
Whining: None.
Splits: 10:07, 9:49, 9:39, 9:25, total 39:00
Monday, Mar 25:
We three went to the Woodbury YMCA to run 30 minutes on that track. I felt a little better than I had Saturday, but still not quite right. Also I had to take a phone call during the last mile, and I walked during the call, so that time is longer.
Again, though, the pace was OK and nothing hurt.
Splits 10:02, 9:47, 10:31 (phone call), total 30:20
Saturday, Mar 23:
We stopped at the North St Paul Community Center, which apparently will remain open after all, to see if they were accepting Silver Sneakers members. They are not, at least not yet, so we kept going to the Maplewood Community Center to run on that track.
This was the first run since the Virginia Beach Marathon, six days earlier, and I felt like an oxcart with wooden wheels. I really shouldn't let so many days go by without running. Nevertheless the pace was OK and nothing hurt. It’s all good.
Splits: 9:56, 9:40, 9:31, total 29:07.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Twelve Runs
Posted by
9:20 PM
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