Thursday, April 19, 2007


Just in the last few days
Purpose of today’s short run: Retain fitness, keep loose for Saturday's Trail Mix, work on running form. Watching the Boston Marathon, every runner seemed to use his or her arms in the same manner. Elbows were bent at 90 degrees, apparently quite loose, and out from the side of the body, not straight down. I have a tendency to bend my elbows more than that, bring them down, and hold them tight, which causes my shoulders to move more than they do when I take on the “Boston” upper-body form. It will take a long time for the Boston form to become natural; I go back to the old form when I’m not thinking about it, but today was a day to work on it a little.

Fifty-two degrees this morning with a little breeze; two thin shirts were one too many when running with the wind, but just right going into it. Shorts and thin gloves. I wish I knew more bird songs; lots of different species were calling for mates and claiming their territory today.

Four miles in 34:03, pace 8:31, a little faster than intended but so what? Off thalidomide now, but I nevertheless felt a little right-foot neuropathy. Breathing was a little more rapid than expected, probably because I had just finished breakfast. Calf pain from Tuesday is gone, thankfully a false alarm.

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