Friday, May 29, 2009

Beautiful Day

Two and a half soft miles in a nearby neighborhood. Pace 8:25 for one timed loop (too fast), and 9:29 for the second one (about right). Tapering down.

The soles of my feet are starting to tingle and feel numb all the time, most likely a side effect of the medications I’m taking. It’s called "peripheral neuropathy," and the meds are known to cause it for some people. Unfortunately, it seems a little worse right now after the run than it did before the run. I was hoping that running might actually help hold it off, by increasing blood flow or something, but no indication of that yet. I suppose a marathon might settle the question - it could get a lot better or a lot worse. We shall see. I’m blogging more about it on my myeloma blog.

Beautiful day though. It’s a masterpiece!

Gluten-free oatmeal with dried cranberries and organic raisins, banana, mango, organic green grapes, blueberries, organic pomegranate juice, organic low-fat milk.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be looking for you at the finish of the marathon and I'll say hi if I see you. I'll be timing or giving out medals. I hope you have a wonderful race and a great time on Sunday!! I'm sending positive thoughts your way.
