Lake Elmo Ave 3.0 mi, 23:30, pace 7:50. Time and pace are approximate, because my watch didn't start until mile 1. Tsk. Gloves too thick? Splits were 7:47 and 7:41 after that. Again I tried to hit a pace of 8:05, but went a little under. This was the first run of the fall in the dark; I wore a reflective vest and two shirts. Nice morning, no wind to speak of. Last run before TCM, last run of the month. No problems at all; I feel good. Even the cold symptoms have abated. Walk tomorrow with the SCV runners in Stillwater.
New marathon strategy: Hal informs me that GUN time, not chip time, is used for ranking runners in the Grand Prix. I thought it was the opposite. Furthermore, all TCM awards including age group awards are based on gun time, not chip time. So the strategy of starting toward the back of wave 1 is no good; we should start between the 3:30 and 3:40 pace teams and stay between them. Back off if we're catching the 3:30 team, speed up if the 3:40 team is breathing down our necks. But stay closer to the 3:30 team until mile 20, then maybe slow down a bit on the hills as necessary.